We for you – social commitment in times of pandemic

Please note: this text is a translation of the orginal press release. Please refer to the original file in German at the end of the page.

The project team of "We for you" looks back with satisfaction on the year 2021

The project “We for you” of Club82 - Der Freizeitclub e.V. and BENZ GmbH Werkzeugsysteme from Haslach has been living for years from the joint social commitment of the two cooperation partners, with which social institutions and people in the region are supported.

In 2021, a number of social projects were again supported.

In spring, hygiene items were collected for the Hornberger Tafel. In summer, there was a muffin and waffle sale at the Haslach weekly market, the proceeds of which were donated to the victims of the flood disaster and the institution "Tigerherz – wenn Eltern Krebs haben". In fall, the project team supported the Caritas Association Kinzigtal at the donation dinner for the Week of Poverty. Together salads were prepared and muffins were baken.

During the current campaign in the pre-Christmas period, coffee was collected for the railroad station mission in Offenburg under the motto "A cup of humanity".

Beate Schwab (project manager at Club82) and Dunja Bruckner (project manager at BENZ) were very pleased to be able to hand over a total of 242 packages of coffee, chocolate and gingerbread to Andreas Hornung, the head of the Offenburg train station mission.

“The station mission is an emergency contact point for all people. We are very pleased to be able to support it," says Beate Schwab.

At the end of the year there was a small meeting between the managing directors Oliver Baur (BENZ) and Helmut Walther (Club82). Together with project manager Dunja Bruckner and Club82 member Wolfang Wurster, the year was reviewed. "We for you" is a heart project of both cooperation partners. Both parties are already looking forward to the coming year and the next joint activities.

In order to support the important work of Club82, BENZ will donate 4,000.00 Euro to the club again this year.

Download German press release as PDF

Your contact persons at BENZ and at the Club 82

BENZ GmbH Werkzeugsysteme
Dunja Bruckner

+49 7803 504300-351


Club 82
Beate Schwab

+497832 9956-16