Please note: this text is a translation of the orginal press release. Please refer to the original file in German at the end of the page.

Christina Kienzle honored with promotion award for outstanding education

With her apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic at BENZ GmbH in Haslach, Christina Kienzle has chosen a profession that has traditionally been dominated by men and has graduated as one of the best.

For this she received the promotion award of Hansgrohe SE, which is endowed with 2,500€.

Excellence in vocational training pays off

That is the message of the promotion awards presented each year by the Southern Upper Rhine Chamber of Industry and Commerce to particularly successful training graduates. The Hansgrohe SE promotion award, with prize money of €2,500, is aimed at female graduates in technical professions in the metal industry.

The 2020 award winner is Christina Kienzle, who successfully completed her training as an industrial mechanic at BENZ Tooling in Haslach in 2020. That her heart beats for technology became apparent very early on. Already in the 7th grade she decided to participate in the educational cooperation of the Heinrich-König-Schule with BENZ and worked once a week in the BENZ production. The young woman enjoyed her time at the company so much that she subsequently completed an additional internship during summer vacation in order to get an even deeper insight into the profession of an industrial mechanic.

At the end she consistently focused her professional life on her career aspirations. After graduating from secondary school, she attended the two-year metalworking college in Wolfach and then started her career at BENZ.  Thanks to her skills, she was soon able to take on responsible tasks. She supervised the students from the BENZ educational cooperation with her former school and taught students from the Haslach educational center together with her trainee colleagues. She was also designated as the contact person for trainees.

"Christina Kienzle went out of her way to pass on her knowledge to others – especially girls – and get them excited about technical details"“

Ivo Rheinberger, Instructor, BENZ Tooling

Since her successful graduation, Christina Kienzle has been working in the “assembly” department, where she mounts angular gearboxes from assemblies and individual parts. She would like to use the prize money to fulfill another dream and complete an electrician training course and an internship abroad.

Her trainer is sure she will succeed: "Christina an excellent example of what women can achieve and accomplish in technical professions."


The promotion awards for special achievements in vocational training, which are awarded through the Southern Upper Rhine Chamber of Commerce Foundation, honor the best and enable them to continue their education. The promotion awards are supported by the special commitment of numerous personalities and companies from the Southern Upper Rhine region. The promotion awards are intended to enable the recipients to further their education, which in particular serves their international professional mobility.

Download German press release as PDF

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Jasmin Eble
Marketing & Communication

+49 7803 504300-353

BENZ GmbH Werkzeugsysteme
Kinzigpark 3
77723 Gengenbach, Germany