Machining of metal world of metal products
Machining of wood and composites world of wood products
BENZ Tooling: products for metal processing BENZ Tooling: products for processing wood and composites
You process other materials or need an individual solution?

We will be happy to give advice on your individual tasks – from the initial idea, through planning and installation, to machine acceptance. Even for plastics, aluminum and the like we are the right partner to choose. Challenge us!

Your specialist for CNC aggregates, tool systems and machine tooling technology

Benz is one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of components and systems for tool and machine tooling technology for all industries.

Together with our customers, we play a decisive role in shaping machine tooling technology in the field of metal, wood and composite processing.

Customer voices

  • With BENZ angle heads, we can now machine a component with hard-to-reach places directly on one machine. Our throughput times are shorter, productivity is higher. A real, sustainable added value for us.
    Andreas Lang, Head of Product Management, DMG Mori, Pfronten
    DMG Mori: Andreas Lang – Head of Product Management
  • In BENZ Tooling we found an innovative, high-performance technology partner whose expertise has enabled us to significantly reduce our lead times. A real added value for us.
    Volker Manz, Head of Production, STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co.KG
    STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co.KG: Volker Manz – Head of Production
  • Simply Great! Thanks to BENZ Tooling, we are now able to optimize our production processes and tailor them to the needs of our customers. A real benefit that sustainably secures and improves our production.
    Karlheinz Rötter, Master manufacturing, Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG
    Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG: Karlheinz Rötter – master manufacturing
  • We made the right decision: after two years of operation in a continuous production cycle we see no backlash or wear marks and are still accurate in processing – a crucial fact for us.
    Andrii Masiliak, Chief technologist, Factorial K
    Faktorial K: Testimonial
  • BENZ Tooling has very good solutions for equipping HAAS lathes with tool holders. We purchased a set of driven toolholders for our lathe more than two years ago. The high quality of BENZ products is outstanding and allows us to completely fulfill our customers' orders.
    Serhiy Tarasenko, Chef Engineer, PP "Techno-T"
    PP Techno-T: Testimonial


The perfect tool for every industry and application

BENZ Tooling offers a wide range of products that are used in all major metalworking and composites processing industries.

Whether used for high-precision work in the medical technology, engine block machining in the automotive industry, drilling in airplane engines or with limited space: there is the perfect BENZ tool for every industry and every application.

success stories

world of metal products

BENZ units for your applications
Wood and composites

Economically process wood and composites: we provide angle heads and other units for drilling, milling, sawing, moulding, sanding, cutting, chiseling, brushing and other special applications. 

BENZ units are available in different performance classes, making them ideal for everything from light machining to high-performance continuous operation.

success stories

world of wood products

News & Events

Stay connected

We are thrilled to announce that we recently moved into our new state of the art location at Kinzigpark 3 in Gengenbach, Germany.

You can now reach our team from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 5 pm on the following phone number: +49 7803 504 300 0

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LIGNA Hannover, Germany

Date: 26.05.2025 - 30.05.2025
City: Hannover, Germany
Booth: hall 14 / booth H16

LIGNA offers everything you need to know about woodworking and wood processing.
Save the date. We look forward to meeting you at our joint booth with the HOMAG Group.

all tradeshows and events

Mortising chain unit: BENZ CATENO F

Mortise very deep and flat pockets with BENZ CATENO F. Due to the automatic chain tensioning, lubrication of the chain is not required.

Success story: Blum realizes seamlessly integrated stay lift

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Tools for MAZAK machines: instant delivery

Have you just invested in a new MAZAK lathe or do you have an urgent project waiting, but still need the right tool?

Now in stock at BENZ Tooling: the most common live tools and static holders for MAZAK BMT 68 machines.

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